nana! | she/they | 15 | lesbian | enfp | white | #1 minori lover

byf !!

i talk in all caps a lot | i also use lots of exclamation marksif i follow someone weird or do something offensive, please tell me in dms!i randomly go ia | i try to interact a lot with ppl i follow… sorry if it seems sudden!

dni !!

homophobic, transphobic, racist, islamaphobic, antiseminist, ableist, sexist, etc | proshippers | sexualizes pjsk characters | nsfw account

media !
project sekai, bandori, d4dj, vocaloid, pmmm
characters/ships !
MINORI!!!!, mmj, wxs, tsukasa, nene, kohane, anhane, polyjump, any mmj ship tbh, pastel*palettes, lyrical lily, aya maruyama, esora shizumu

moots !

komoni! @komoniixmoon! @lunar(underscore)odyssey2yuki! @lesbsakadelt! @delta_moraggangmao! @transfemi